Personal Website of Paul Ahern

Here you will find a Blog, some Application Guides, a catalog for my Library and a Gallery of photographs.

See Rooska for maps and photographs of my mountain.


Favourite: Dictionary Isabelle Search

Apps: Calibre Geany Inkscape LastPass

Books: Amazon (read) Baen Bookshop PG

Cartoons: Far Side Garfield Matt xkcd Wiz

Games: GOG Humble Steam (ProtonDB)

Media: iPlayer Radio 4 YouTube

Misc: Map Met (Rain) MPS TfL Walks

Shopping: Allwrite BM etsy M&S Senz

Social: Contacts Facebook LinkedIn

This site: Django GitHub Svelte

Web: Gibson PyPI W3Schools


App: Chrome Firefox Helix

Blog: Archive RSS

Gallery: London Wallpaper

Library: Books CDs DVDs Games

Misc: MSc Twinings Tea

Personal: CV Portfolio Profile

Ref: Linux MySQL Python

Rooska: Before Planting

This site: Dashboard Site map

Tools: Cardgen Deduplicate

Feedreader (unread) Timers