
Title Genre Platform Source Size (MB) Score
3030 Deathwar Redux Space RPG Windows Steam 445 3
A Little Golf Journey Puzzle Windows Steam 596 3
Ace Combat 7 Flight Windows Steam 43,000 2
Age of Empires II RTS Windows Steam 2,250 1
Age of Wonders 4X Windows GoG 185 0
Age of Wonders II 4X Windows GoG 417 2
Age of Wonders III 4X Linux Steam 3,400 3
Age of Wonders: Planetfall 4X Windows Steam 5,340 2
AI War RTS Linux Steam 270 2
AI War 2 RTS Linux Steam 1,490 2
Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers Flight Linux Steam 1,000 1
Alea Iacta Est Wargame Windows Steam 806 1
Antichamber Puzzle Linux Steam 300 1
Anno 1404 Gold Grand Strategy Windows GoG 3,200 2
Anomaly Warzone Earth Tower Linux GoG 538 1
Apotheon RPG Linux GoG 577 2
Arma: Cold War Assault FPS Sim Linux Steam 606 2
Arma 3 FPS Sim Windows Steam 45,470 2
Armello Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 1,890 2
Assassin's Creed Black Flag RPG Windows Steam 17,000 1
Assetto Corsa Driving Windows Steam 8,430 1
Atlantic Fleet Naval Windows Steam 129 3
Aven Colony Turn-based Strategy Windows GoG 11,280 2
Baldur's Gate RPG Linux Steam 2,500 2
Baldur's Gate 2 RPG Linux GoG 2,300 3
Banished Strategy Windows GoG 122 1
Banner Saga RPG Windows GoG 3,002 2
Bard's Tale, The RPG Windows GoG 3,400 2
Battle Isle Platinum 1-4 Turn-based Strategy Windows GoG 1,158 2
Battle Worlds: Kronos Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 813 2
Battle for Orion 2 Space Strategy Linux Steam 104 2
Battle v Chess Chess Linux Steam 651 2
Battlefleet Gothic Armada RTS Windows Steam 5,220 2
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Space Strategy Windows GoG 4,702 3
Battlestation: Harbinger RPG Linux Steam 88 2
Battletech Mech Linux GoG 14,200 3 Driving Windows Steam 15,600 5
Bejeweled 3 Puzzle Windows Steam 93 3
BioShock Horror RPG Windows Steam 4,000 2
BioShock 2 Horror RPG Windows Steam 6,000 2
Bioshock Infinite RPG Linux Steam 10,000 3
Black Mesa FPS Windows Steam 12,640 2
Bomber Crew Sim Linux Steam 831 3
Book of Unwritten Tales, The Adventure Windows GoG 3,800 2
Borderlands FPS Windows Steam 4,000 3
Borderlands 2 FPS Linux Steam 2,690 4
BossConstructor Strategy Linux Steam 269 3
Brass Brigade Shooter Windows Steam 705 3
Brigador: Up-Armored Edition Mech Linux Steam 482 2
Broforce Platformer Linux Steam 396 2
Caesar 3 City Builder Windows GoG 494 3
Call of Juarez FPS Windows Steam 1,000 1
Call of Juarez Gunslinger FPS Windows Steam 2,500 3
Call to Power 2 4X Windows GoG 286 2
Carcassonne Board Windows Steam 85 3
Children of a Dead Earth Space Windows Steam 108 2
Children of the Nile Turn-based Strategy Windows GoG 616 2
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena RPG Windows GoG 5,900 2
Cities Skylines City Sim Linux Steam 5,510 3
Cold Waters Naval Sim Windows Steam 996 3
Combat Mission: Afrika Korps Tactical Windows GoG 1,000 2
Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin Tactical Windows GoG 800 2
Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord Tactical Windows GoG 492 2
Company of Heroes 2 Tactical Linux Steam 34,760 2
Conquest of Elysium 4 Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 701 2
Cossacks 3 RTS Windows Steam 4,000 3
Crashlands RPG Linux Steam 89 2
Crest Strategy Linux Steam 475 2
Crusader Kings 2 Grand Strategy Linux Steam 1,120 4
Crying Suns Space Windows GoG 450 3
Crysis FPS Windows GoG 6,800 2
Cthulhu Saves the World RPG Windows Steam 100 0
Darkest Dungeon RPG Linux Steam 1,520 4
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game Strategy Windows Steam 717 2
Deadnaut RPG Linux GoG 163 2
DEFCON RTS Linux Developer 68 2
Defense Grid: The Awakening Tower Windows Steam 500 2
ΔV: Rings of Saturn Space Sim Linux GoG 829 -
Deus Ex: GOTY Edition RPG Windows Steam 525 1
Deus Ex: Human Revolution RPG Windows Steam 8,500 2
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided RPG Linux Steam 20,000 2
Dirt 3 Driving Windows Steam 6,530 3
Dishonored RPG Windows Steam 4,980 2
Distant Star: Revenant Fleet RTS Linux Steam 260 2
Distant Worlds: Universe Space 4X Windows GoG 1,100 2
Divinity: Dragon Commander Strategy Windows Steam 7,500 1
Divinity: Original Sin 2 RPG Windows Steam 35,470 2
Don't Starve RPG Linux Steam 1,001 2
Door Kickers Tactical Linux GoG 502 2
Dragon Age: Origins RPG Windows Steam 10,000 2
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen RPG Windows GoG 19,400 1
Drox Operative 2 Space RPG Linux GoG 1,100 4
Dungeon of the ENDLESS Tower Windows GoG 319 4
DwarfFortress Sim Linux Developer 15 3
Emperor of the Fading Suns Turn-based Strategy Windows GoG 677 3
Endless Legend 4X Windows Steam 6,620 4
Endless Sky RPG Linux Steam 245 3
Endless Space Space 4X Windows Steam 1,630 2
Endless Space 2 Space 4X Windows GoG 10,100 3
Equilinox Sim Linux Steam 297 0
Eufloria Strategy Linux Steam 331 2
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Driving Linux Steam 22,070 3
Europa Universalis 4 Grand Strategy Linux Steam 1,170 2
Everspace Space Linux Steam 3,670 2
Everything Sim Linux Steam 1,180 1
Evochron Legacy Space Sim Windows Steam 660 3
Expeditions: Conquistador Strategy Linux Steam 1,800 2
F-117a Stealth Fighter Flight Linux GoG 36 1
Falcon Gold Flight Linux GoG 391 3
Factorio Sim Linux GoG 1,400 3
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes 4X Windows Steam 3,340 4
Fallout 3 RPG Windows Steam 7,050 2
Fallout: New Vegas RPG Windows Steam 5,000 3
Far Cry FPS Windows GoG 2,700 1
Far Cry 2 FPS Windows GoG 2,400 2
Fictorum RPG Windows Steam 5,150 2
Field of Glory: Empires Grand Strategy Windows Steam 875 3
Field of Glory 2 Wargame Windows Steam 1,300 3
Freespace 2 Space Windows GoG 1,400 2
FTL: Faster Than Light Space Linux Humble 232 2
Galactic Assault: Prisoner of Power Strategy Windows GoG 868 0
Galactic Civilisations III Space 4X Windows Steam 8,180 3
Galaxy on Fire 2 Space Windows Steam 1,000 3
Galcon RTS Android Google 7 3
Genesis Alpha One RPG Windows GoG 5,700 2
Grand Theft Auto V RPG Windows Steam 108,000 1
Gratuitous Space Battles RTS Linux Humble 59 3
Gratuitous Space Battles 2 RTS Linux Humble 380 2
Grim Fandango Remastered RPG Linux GoG 3,900 1
Halcyon 6 Strategy Linux Steam 324 2
Half-Life FPS Linux Steam 280 3
Half-Life 2 FPS Linux Steam 3,640 2
Hand of Fate RPG Linux Steam 1,520 3
Hearts of Iron 4 Grand Strategy Linux Steam 2,040 3
Hegemony Gold Grand Strategy Windows Steam 319 3
Helium Rain Space Linux GoG 1,300 3
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Turn-based Strategy Windows GoG 900 2
Hitman collection Puzzle Windows Steam 2,500 2
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak RTS Windows Steam 4,290 2
Homeworld Remastered Collection RTS Windows Steam 3,910 2
Icewind Dale RPG Linux Steam 2,440 2
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 Flight Windows GoG 6,310 4
IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad Flight Windows Steam 37,440 2
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Flight Windows Steam 7,730 3
Imperator: Rome Grand Strategy Windows Steam 1,210 3
Imperial Glory Grand Strategy Windows Steam 672 3
Imperium Galactica II: Alliances Grand Strategy Linux GoG 646 0
Interstellar Space: Genesis Space 4X Windows Steam 2,300 3
Into the Breach Turn-based Strategy Windows Steam 414 2
Iron Front Sim Windows Steam 5,000 0
Iron Sky Invasion Space Linux Steam 1,000 2
Ironcast Puzzle Linux Steam 219 3
Islanders City Builder Linux Steam 296 2
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire Strategy Windows Steam 1,500 2
Jewels Puzzle Android Google 17 3
Jotun RPG Linux Steam 2,380 1
Just Cause Sim Windows Steam 2,000 2
Just Cause 2 Sim Windows Steam 5,000 2
Kerbal Space Program Space Linux Steam 1,740 3
Khet 2.0 Board Linux Steam 71 2
King of Dragon Pass RPG Android Google 317 2
Kingdoms and Castles Grand Strategy Linux GoG 480 3
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning RPG Windows Steam 5,000 3
Last Federation Turn-based Strategy RPG Linux GoG 532 4
Lords of Xulima RPG Linux GoG 1,686 2
Lux Delux Strategy Linux Steam 201 1
Lyne Puzzle Android Humble 65 2
Mad Max RPG Linux Steam 49,150 2
Magic Carpet 2 RPG Windows GoG 286 2
March of the Eagles Turn-based Strategy Windows Steam 203 1
Mass Effect RPG Windows Steam 6,000 1
Mass Effect 2 RPG Windows Steam 12,940 1
Massive Assault Tactical Windows GoG 248 2
Massive Chalice Tactical Linux GoG 900 4
Master of Magic Strategy Linux GoG 17 3
Master of Orion 1 Space 4X Linux GoG 17 4
Master of Orion 2 Space 4X Linux GoG 191 2
Master of Orion 2016 Space 4X Linux Steam 2,540 2
MechWarrior 5 Mech Windows Steam 24,720 3
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault FPS Windows GoG 1,400 0
Men of War: Assault Squad 2 Tactical Windows Steam 3,140 3
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor RPG Linux Steam 32,280 2
Militia 2 Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 44 2
Minetest RPG Linux Developer 14 5
Mini Metro Puzzle Linux Steam 187 2
Minos Strategos Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 45 2
Mount and Blade: Warband Sim Linux Steam 479 2
Nebulous: Fleet Command Space Sim Windows Steam 1,630 3
Need for Speed: Hot pursuit Remastered Driving Windows Steam 29,590 0
No Man's Sky Space Sim Windows Steam 13,960 4
Objects in Space Space RPG Linux Steam 255 2
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising FPS Sim Windows Steam 4,000 1
Operational Art of War 4 Wargame Windows Steam 631 3
Oriental Empires Grand Strategy Windows Steam 768 3
Osmos Puzzle Linux Developer 20 2
Out There: Ω Edition Adventure Linux Steam 151 1
Outward Definitive Edition RPG Windows GoG 15,600 4
Overlord RPG Linux Steam 2,500 1
Overlord II RPG Linux Steam 2,500 1
Ozymandias 4X Windows GoG 816 4
Pathfinder: Kingmaker RPG Windows Steam 45,480 4
Pandora: First Contact 4X Linux Steam 545 3
Panzer Corps Turn-based Strategy Windows Steam 250 2
Panzer General 3D Assault Turn-based Strategy Windows GoG 560 2
Paper Train Traffic Puzzle Linux Steam 115 1
Papers Please Sim Linux Steam 34 1
Phantom Signal Strategy Linux Steam 184 2
Pike and Shot: Campaigns Wargame Windows Steam 104 4
Pillars of Eternity RPG Linux Steam 11,430 2
Planescape: Torment RPG Linux GoG 1,100 1
Planet Explorers Open World Linux Steam 7,810 2
Planetary Annihilation RTS Linux Steam 1,940 2
Portal Puzzle Linux Steam 4,380 3
Portal 2 Puzzle Linux Steam 7,020 2
Predynastic Egypt Strategy Linux Steam 221 3
Prison Architect Sim Linux Steam 495 2
Project Wingman Flight Windows GoG 6,500 2
Railroad Tycoon 3 Strategy Windows Steam 600 3
Railway Empire Strategy Linux Steam 2,540 2
Reassembly Space Linux Steam 98 4
Rebel Galaxy Space RPG Windows Steam 2,150 3
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw Space RPG Windows GoG 11,800 3
Reigns RPG Android Google 75 2
Remnants of the Precursors 4X Linux Developer 1,000 4
Reus Strategy Linux Steam 313 1
Rise of Flight United Flight Linux Steam 5,760 1
Rise to Ruins Strategy Linux Steam 847 1
Rule the Waves 3 Naval Windows Steam 99 5
Running with Rifles Tactical Linux Steam 1,310 1
Saints Row 2 RPG Linux Steam 7,500 1
Saints Row 3 RPG Linux Steam 5,000 1
Saints Row 4 RPG Linux Steam 12,940 2
Satellite Reign RPG Linux GoG 583 2
Serious Sam 3: BFE FPS Linux Steam 4,700 2
Shadow Empire Wargame Windows GoG 900 5
Shadowrun Returns RPG Linux Humble 950 2
Shadowrun: Dragonfall RPG Linux Steam 1,890 2
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri 4X Windows GoG 503 5
Sid Meier's Civilization 3 4X Windows GoG 1,160 4
Sid Meier's Civilization 4 4X Windows Steam 1,630 4
Sid Meier's Civilization 5 4X Linux Steam 4,000 3
Sid Meier's Civilization 6 4X Linux Steam 10,390 2
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth 4X Linux Steam 2,780 1
Sid Meier's Starships Turn-based Strategy Windows Steam 841 1
Signal From Tölva, The RPG Linux Steam 779 2
SimCity 2000 City Sim Windows GoG 81 2
Sins of a Solar Empire RTS Windows Steam 2,940 2
Sky Rogue Flight Linux Steam 118 2
Skyward Collapse Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 122 1
Slay the Spire Card Linux Steam 945 4
Sleeping Dogs RPG Windows Steam 10,000 2
Solar Flux Puzzle Linux Steam 150 1
Solar Settlers Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 74 1
Space Pirates and Zombies Space RPG Linux Humble 150 2
Space Pirates and Zombies 2 Space RPG Linux Steam 565 3
Space Run Tower Linux Steam 500 1
Space Tyrant Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 367 2
Spacecom Strategy Linux GoG 128 2
Spore Grand Strategy Windows Steam 3,400 1
STALKER: Clear Sky FPS Windows GoG 3,900 0
Star Dynasties Grand Strategy Windows GoG 357 3
Star Ruler 2 Space 4X Linux GoG 530 4
Star Traders: Frontiers Space RPG Linux Steam 300 5
Star Trek: Starfleet Command Space Windows Steam 258 2
Star Wars: Empire at War RTS Windows Steam 1,830 4
Star Wars: KoTOR RPG Windows Steam 2,000 2
Star Wars: KoTOR 2 RPG Linux Steam 3,230 3
Star Wars: Republic Commando FPS Windows Steam 1,000 1
Star Wars: TIE Fighter Space Sim Linux GoG 332 2
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance Space Sim Windows Steam 489 1
Starbound RPG Linux Steam 756 2
Stardew Valley RPG Linux Steam 428 2
Starpoint Gemini 2 Space RPG Windows Steam 4,310 2
Starpoint Gemini Warlords Space RPG Windows GoG 6,506 2
Stars in Shadow Space 4X Windows Steam 2,880 2
Starsector Space RPG Linux Developer 256 5
Steamworld Heist RPG Linux Steam 171 2
Steel Fury Kharkov 1942 Sim Windows Steam 2,000 1
Stellar Monarch Space 4X Windows Steam 27 2
Stellaris Space 4X Linux Steam 8,320 3
Stronghold HD RTS Windows Steam 711 1
Sublevel Zero Space Linux Steam 871 2
Sunless Sea RPG Linux Steam 233 1
Super Hot FPS Linux Steam 1,090 2
Supreme Commander RTS Windows GoG 6,600 2
Sword of the Stars Space 4X Windows Steam 1,810 3
Sword of the Stars: The Pit RPG Linux Steam 700 1
System Shock 2 RPG Windows GoG 502 1
Tabletop Simulator Sim Linux Steam 2,140 2
Tales of Maj'Eyal RPG Linux GoG 557 -
Tank Warfare: Tunisia 1943 Tactical Windows GoG 4,103 3
Terraria RPG Linux Steam 494 2
The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind RPG Windows GoG 1,300 2
The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion RPG Windows Steam 2,300 2
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim RPG Windows Steam 11,670 6
The Fall Adventure Linux Steam 150 2
The Pegasus Expedition Strategy Windows GoG 2,800 -
The Stanley Parable RPG Linux Steam 1,230 1
Thea: The Awakening Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 876 2
TerraTech Sim Linux Steam 465 3
TFC: The Fertile Crescent City Builder Linux GoG 359 -
Thunder Wolves Arcade Windows Steam 1,000 1
Tile Cities Puzzle Windows Steam 7 3
Torchlight RPG Linux Humble 447 2
Torchlight II RPG Linux Humble 1,500 2
Total Annihilation RTS Windows GoG 1,000 2
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms RTS Windows GoG 900 1
Total War: Shogun Strategy Windows Steam 1,240 2
Total War: Rome Remastered Strategy Windows Steam 24,110 3
Total War: Medieval Strategy Windows Steam 1,220 2
Total War: Medieval 2 Strategy Linux Steam 5,500 2
Total War: Empire Strategy Linux Steam 9,450 2
Total War: Napoleon Strategy Windows Steam 10,810 2
Total War Shogun 2 Strategy Linux Steam 16,000 2
Total War: Rome 2 Strategy Windows Steam 17,500 3
Total War: Warhammer I Strategy Linux Steam 42,250 2
Total War: Warhammer II Strategy Linux Steam 42,250 2
Townscaper City Builder Windows Steam 71 3
Train Fever Sim Linux Steam 1,290 2
Train Sim World 2 Sim Windows Steam 12,460 3
Train Valley Puzzle Linux Steam 268 2
Transistor RPG Linux Steam 2,340 3
Transport Fever 2 Sim Linux Steam 14,000 5
Tropico 3 Grand Strategy Windows Steam 2,310 2
Tropico 4 Grand Strategy Windows Steam 2,500 2
Tropico 5 Grand Strategy Linux Steam 2,150 3
Tumbleweed Express Action Linux Steam 573 2
Turmoil Sim Linux Steam 117 3
Two Worlds RPG Linux Steam 3,610 0
Tyranny RPG Linux GoG 7,500 3
Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail Naval Windows Steam 6,060 2
Ultimate General: Civil War RTS Windows Steam 1,000 4
Ultimate General: Gettysburg RTS Linux Steam 558 2
Unity of Command Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 109 2
Urukon Turn-based Strategy Windows Steam 58 2
Valkyria Chronicles RPG Windows Steam 16,430 2
Valley RPG Linux Steam 1,990 2
Victoria 2 Grand Strategy Windows Steam 455 4
Victory at Sea Naval Linux Steam 6,000 0
Victory at Sea Pacific Naval Linux Steam 4,190 2
Viking: Battle for Asgard Adventure Windows Steam 3,000 2
VoidExpanse RTS Linux Steam 570 0
War on the Sea Naval Windows Steam 1,870 3
Wargame: European Escalation Strategy Linux Steam 6,810 2
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II RTS Windows Steam 5,930 1
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius Turn-based Strategy Linux Steam 2,000 3
Warhammer 40,000: Regicide Turn-based Strategy Windows Steam 417 2
Warlock - Master of the Arcane 4X Windows Steam 2,000 3
Warlock 2: The Exiled 4X Windows Steam 1,000 1
West of Loathing RPG Linux GoG 197 -
Windward Naval RPG Linux Steam 59 4
Wing Commander: Privateer RPG Windows GoG 144 2
Witcher RPG Windows Steam 8,800 2
Witcher 2 RPG Linux Steam 12,500 2
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt RPG Windows Steam 38,790 3
Wolfenstein: The New Order RPG Windows Steam 25,000 2
Void Destroyer Space Windows Steam 281 1
Void Destroyer 2 Space Windows Steam 569 3
X2 The Threat Space RPG Windows GoG 588 3
X3: Albion Prelude Space RPG Linux Steam 7,140 4
X Rebirth Space RPG Linux GoG 6,100 2
X4: Foundations Space RPG Linux Steam 16,950 5
X-Plane 11 Flight Linux Steam 55,400 4
XCOM: Enemy Within Tactical Linux Steam 10,000 2
Xenonauts Tactical Linux Steam 2,390 3
Zachtronics Solitaire Card Linux Steam 426 2
Zeus + Poseidon Strategy Windows GoG 443 1
Zigfrak Space Linux Steam 548 2
Ziggurat FPS Linux Steam 1,000 2