


While you are typing, it's pretty common to use the same word over and over again. Using C-p Vim searches the currently typed text backwards for a word starting with the same characters as already typed. C-x C-l completes the whole line.

If you're not sure how to type some word and you've enabled spell-checking (:set spell), you can type C-x C-k to do a dictionary lookup for the already typed characters.

Use ^n and ^p to go back and forth in the suggestion list:

Buffers and Windows


Vim automatically sets various marks like

To set a manual mark, use m[a-zA-Z]. To jump to one of the marks (manual or automatic) you can choose between ' and `:

There is a little difference between lower-case and upper-case characters:

You can use L for your work-log and T for your time-table for example, and quickly update the information there.

For example you can jump to the last known position of a file before it was closed by typing `" (it's easy to configure Vim to do it automatically at start).

To get a list of all marks Vim knows about type :marks. To delete marks use :delmarks (:delmarks a b c removes marks a and b and c, to delete all marks use :delmarks!).


vimdiff file1 file2 highlights differences between files.
